Players: Kristin Firth, Jason Morningstar, Steve Segedy, Karen Twelves, and Sean Nittner
System: Until we Sink
I walked into my room after playing a great game of Atomic Robo to find cool peeps playing until we sink. Someone offered me a drink, I picked up a card and horrible southern accent, and I started playing.
I played the big, dirty, and a little bit stupid caretaker, who, given my state of mind, mostly just wanted to do simple tasks like poor more whiskey for everyone, myself included.
They were already in the middle of the game, so I tried not to disrupt it. Tensions were high between the characters and I was quite content to let them stay that way. I also realized towards the end, that I was the only one with the means and potentially the motive to kill the sports fisher. If only the alcoholic writer had paid me to do so.
In the end on a boat, what else was I to do but confess.
Jason played the hotel owner, which I think he played last time when we played it in Oakland a couple years ago. Jason makes a great hotel owner. Calm, cool, and ready to divert blame at the drop of a hat.
Kristin was a great alcoholic. We loved finding out that she used a ghostwriter, and that she had infact paid for others… her ghost writer… to come to the island.
Steve was very important, the celebrity I think, and he acted very important!
Karen was smart, capable and suspicious. I confessed because I knew she would figure it out anyway!
Thoughts on the game
Until we Sink is a delightfully fun game to play when a little tired and a little drunk. It is also the source of some amazing poetry.