Improv for Gamers Level 2 – July 13th at EndGame

I’m incredibly thrilled the workshop has thrived and grown. Now we’re offering a second level!

As a gamer you may have heard that improv is closely tied to role-playing, especially in narrative-based games. It’s true, improv theater teaches many skills that can make your game rock: collaboration, embracing failure, and taking risks. The goal of this workshop series is to highlight those skills (and more!) as they apply to role-playing games through improv exercises and scenework.

Level 1
Level 1 focuses on exploring dynamic characters, collaborative scene-building, and the success/complication model. Beginners to improv are welcome and encouraged!

Want to attend Level 1 in 2013? Come to Big Bad Con in Oakland, October 4-6!

Level 2
We are expanding our content with GMs in mind. Level 2 will explore story-building, pacing, and finding the beat in scenes, as well as doing advanced scenework. For this workshop we ask that attendees have some prior improv experience (yes, just the Level 1 workshop counts!).

Attend the  Level 2 workshop July 13, 2013 at EndGame in Oakland. Registration start June 15th!


Improv for Gamers – May 6th at EndGame!

The Improv Workshop for Gamers is back and better than ever!

Join us on May 6, 2012 at EndGame in Oakland for an integrated improv/gaming workshop! We’re going to explore dynamic characters, collaborative scene-building, and the success/complication model as it applies to role-playing games. Local improv instructor Mia Blankensop will lead a series of exercises in the first half, and the second half of the day we’ll be putting it all together by playing some Fiasco.

Bonus coolness: We’ll have awesome prizes to give out in a raffle at the end:  a signed copy of Fiasco, a Fiasco T-shirt, and a Fiasco Kit (complete with dice, index cards, and playsets)!

All Fiasco rules and playsets provided.

Many thanks to the fine folks at EndGame for hosting this event.


What people said from the May 6th event:

“That was awesome. Thank you, all!” – Noam R.

“Nicely presented today and my goodness I won my first con prize in several years. I’d like to thank my agent and my producer.” – Shannon M.

“Terrific event. Sad I was only able to stay for the first half, but what a first half it was. Thanks for Sean, Mia, Karen and Matt for their work and presentation. And I learned stuff too!” -Vanessa B.

“Martin and I had a really great time at the workshop! He’s super into Fiasco now, it really got him excited.” – Elizabeth B.

All our happy improvers

All our brutal samurai

 Tableau: The garage

EndGame Minicon

EndGame has been running their awesome minicons for a little over five years now. I’ve run games at a majority of them and attended even more, but this time up (April 14th), I’m part of the action!

Chris Hanrahan and I have been talking for a couple years now about a good sign up system for cons. After we both saw how well Events Manager worked for Big Bad Con, Chris decided to give it a go for the next minicon. Together we setup the sign ups and I’m very excited to see it go live on 3/31. You can check out the games now at and sign ups will go live on 3/31 at noon.

Note: To use the system, you need an account. So if you want to play get registered now. Don’t wait till the last minute because new accounts have to be approved, which is a manual process, one you don’t want to be waiting for as you’re watching all the awesome games fill up! Register here.

My ultimate goal is for the Northern California cons to get away from the lottery and adopt a sign up in advance system like this one. That way the con never over books and everyone knows what games they’re signed up for in advance! I know it’s unlikely, but a guy can dream.

Improv for Gamers

This was Karen Twelves’s fault. She had the idea and made it all happen, I mostly served as organizer, advertiser and dude who takes the money.

As a gamer I’ve heard many times that improv is closely tied to role-playing, and from everything I can tell, improv theater teaches all the skills I think role-players need: collaboration, embracing failure, and generally feeling comfortable looking stupid. Yet, there is a divide to cross to get the gamer onto the stage. So instead we brought the mountain to Mohammed and had an awesome improv instructor Mia Blankensop lead a whole bunch of improve games for gamers, and then wrapped it up with games of Fiasco.

To top it off for the first event we brought Jason Morningstar and Steve Segedy out to play with us. The second time around the generous guys from Bully Pulpit Games (read: Jason and Steve again) sent us all kinds of awesome Fiasco swag (signed copies of the books, pins, a t-shirt, and the fixings for a Fiasco Kit) to give out to the participants.

What people said from the January 14th event:

“It was fabulous!  Thank you for organizing this!  The teachers, game-facilitators and everyone involved did a great job.  They made at least this n00b feel comfortable and even have fun pushing her boundaries.” – Meilin W.

“I had a great time, and now I have a fabulous vehicle for introducing my wife to gaming!” – Sean S.

“One of the best gaming experiences ever.” – Eric Z.

What people said from the May 6th event:

“That was awesome. Thank you, all!” – Noam R.

“Nicely presented today and my goodness I won my first con prize in several years. I’d like to thank my agent and my producer.” – Shannon M.

“Terrific event. Sad I was only able to stay for the first half, but what a first half it was. Thanks for Sean, Mia, Karen and Matt for their work and presentation. And I learned stuff too!” -Vanessa B.

“Martin and I had a really great time at the workshop! He’s super into Fiasco now, it really got him excited.” – Elizabeth B.

We’ll be doing this one more time at Big Bad Con.


Improv for Gamers – January 14th at EndGame

Improv for Gamers

Join us on January 14, 2012 at EndGame in Oakland for an integrated improv/gaming workshop! We’re going to explore dynamic characters, collaborative scene-building, and the success/complication model as it applies to role-playing games. Local improv instructor Mia Blankensop will lead a series of exercises in the first half, and the second half of the day will be putting it all together in by playing some Fiasco.

Bonus coolness: Jason Morningstar and Steve Segedy, the madmen behind Fiasco, will be flying out to Oakland to play with us!

Registration is $25 – Registration is now FULL

To register for the workshop, send an email to:

Please include your full name. After we receive your email, we’ll send you a PayPal request for the registration fee.

All Fiasco rules and playsets provided.

Many thanks to the fine folks at EndGame for hosting this event.

Space is limited to 25 attendees, so don’t wait to sign up!


921 Washington Street
Oakland, CA

When: Saturday, January 14, 2012 · 10:00am4:00pm


GMs Seminar at Endgame, 3-19-2011

Mike Montesa, Brian Isikoff, Ryan Macklin and I are putting together a really cool event at Endgame on March 19th, 2001: our first GMs Seminar! You could find out more on Mike’s blog post, or see what I’ve cut and pasted here!

The GMs Seminar
Saturday, March 19
At EndGame
10AM – 4:30PM
Fee: $20

Join the EndGame community of GMs for a day of discussion and workshops about running roleplaying games! Brian Isikoff, Ryan Macklin, Mike Montesa and Sean Nittner will be on hand to share their experiences and advice for getting the most out of your game, your players, and yourself!

Spin Up the Jump Drive: Gaining Player Buy-in and Team Building at the Table, with Brian Isikoff

Having trouble getting a campaign started up and firing on all cylinders? Brian shows you how to get everyone involved and invested in the game.

Fall in! Running Military Themed RPGs, with Mike Montesa

Have you ever watched a movie like Saving Private Ryan, The Great Escape, or a TV show like Band of Brothers and wanted to do something like that in a game? And then you thought, naw, it’ll never work? Mike will discuss ways of achieving the drama of a good war story, and touching on things like handling chain-of-command, adventure design and other issues and challenges specific to roleplaying in the context of a military setting.

Practical Props, with Sean Nittner

At the table, in nearly every game, is the opportunity to turn generic components into props that reinforce the themes and flavor of your game. Sean will be talking about converting over all your generic basics like dice, character sheets, and in game currencies into tailored props that help the game come alive and act as constant reinforcement of the setting to the players.

Bringing your ‘A’ Game, a GM Workshop by Ryan Macklin

Ryan Macklin will run a 2-hour, hands-on workshop on GMing techniques, based on the problems you’re dealing with today. He’ll help you find ways to address problems with preparation, dealing with people at the table, and executing a smooth session. Get and keep your players hooked on your game while making your GMing easier with Ryan’s help.

To register for the seminar, send an email to:
In the subject line put: EndGame GM Seminar Registration
Please include your full name.

After Mike receives your email, he will send you a PayPal request for the registration fee. Once you have paid the fee, you’ll receive confirmation as a seminar attendee.

Doors open at 10am and the seminar begins at 11am. Coffee and pastries available for registered attendees. Seminar materials will be provided but bring your own notebook!

Space is limited to 25 attendees, so don’t wait to sign up! (Note: we’ve had at least eleven sign-ups so far, so seriously, don’t delay!)

GenCon – Part 8 (Friday Night, 8/14/2009)

I’m four actual play reports behind so I’ve got to get this GenCon recap thing done. For archival (and sometimes humorous) reasons I like to have extensive details in my reports but I think time has become my enemy and I’ve got to plow through this if I ever want to catch up.

Acts of Evil
