Narrative Control – Episode 82 – Iterative Development

Hi, and welcome back to the show! This episode I have Rob Donoghue and Vincent Baker on to respond to episode 80 and discus their thoughts on the current state of design.

Host: Sean Nittner

Guests: Vincent Baker and Rob Donoghue

Length: 45:14

[00:26] Introduction to the show. Welcoming Vincent and Rob.
[01:46] Vincent’s reaction to episode 80.
[08:00] Rob’s reaction.
[09:13] Defining Design. Where I get it all wrong.
[15:40] Distinction between GMing, Expansibility, and Hacking.
[19:08] Seeking authority on “how to do it right.”
[23:32] Design intent for Fate and Apocalypse World.
[24:50] Impact of Fate and Apocalypse World on the design sphere.
[38:36] Adding to the influences available in design.
[40:37] My roast of Luke. I am not Stephen Colbert.

Direct download: NC_Episode_082.mp3


  1. Regarding BRP, a few notes since you all seemed to know little about it.

    It was kind of considered as a generic system early on. After Runequest, Chaosium released BRP 1980 as a stand alone, and then included it in the boxed set called Worlds of Wonder in 1982. That box contained example games for fantasy, science fiction and supers if I remember correctly.

    There have been some other companies doing games more or less based on the system. In Scandinavia the dominant fantasy game actually started out as the Worlds of Wonder fantasy game before evolving further.

    I think it’s a neat and intuitive game system, as the probabilities makes sense to anyone.

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