Welcome to a little Narrative Control experiment. Three very short episodes on very small topics all released in short order. This show is the Lennisode. Two great ideas I ripped off from Leonard Balsera.
Hosts: Sean Nittner and Eric Fattig
Length: 16:24
Show Notes
[00:25] Intro to the show. Three minisodes.
[01:00] Greetings Lenny? Leonard? The Lennisode, not the Jennisode (www.jennisode.com)
[01:36] Based off two bits of advice Lenny gave out. Hack away.
[02:20] The 15 Minute prep for games. Frame three scenes with punch!
[03:35] Example of trying this out: Dresden without prep.
[09:01] Reward players for making decisions that have bad consequences either way. From his LJ
[14:14] Players will be more engaged in a choice they make.
Direct Download: NC_Episode_064.mp3