I’m super excited about Big Bad Con! This year I’m working to do these things:
- Improve open gaming by having flags to indicate “player wanted” which can be put on a table when looking for players.
- There are three additional staff members in the kitchen during the game breaks to help speed up the food service.
- Games on Demand is being remodeled again, based on the GenCon format by Steve Segedy.
- We’re spreading out and putting fewer games in the boardrooms (3 instead of 4) to reduce noise and make it easier to get to your game.
- I’ve added a Code of Conduct, something that should have been there in the first place.
- We’ve added tags to games, so you can identify (and search) for your games based on descriptors like: investigation, collaborative, or fantasy.
- Adding an iPhone and Android app – Big Bad Mobile
- MOAR GAMES!!!! Game Listing
Here’s some of the awesome things people said about last year: 2012 Testimonials