Dead World

The muddy streets of Deadwood are every bit as inhospitable as the abandoned wreckage called Apocalypse World. Dead World is my Apoc World re-skin for the Deadwood setting. The characters are rich, the drama is high and the stakes are dire.

Note: This is still in play-testing and editing. There are many mistakes on the playbook that I’ll get back to fixing once Apocalypse Galactica is finished.

Download: Dead World Playbooks


  1. Grog

    Are you still working on this? I’ve been working on my own western-ish reskin and was wondering if you would mind if I used some of these playbooks. Also, would you be open to sharing your sheet template?

    • Sean Nittner

      I haven’t touched it in forever. This is the project that I’ll come back to but right now it’s dormant. Part of the reason for that was the inDesign files I was using for it were lost. I have an old version but I’ve got to do a lot of work just to get them current with the existing PDFs.

      Feel free to use any of the content in there. As for the template, I’ll dig around for it when I get home and email it to you.

      • Grog

        Oddly enough, shortly after leaving that comment I tried opening the file in foxit’s pdf editor and it preserved the formatting more or less intact while giving me pretty decent editing power, and I don’t know inDesign so if you can’t find it/get busy it’s no problem.

        I’ve been surprised to find that this appears to be the most work anyone has done on a western hack. I saw something about Western World on the forums but it didn’t appear to get anywhere near playable.

  2. Nick Doyle

    I’m planning on using these playbooks this weekend! Thanks for your making them available!

  3. I plan on running these playbooks with some hardcore Deadwood fans in 2018. I’ll follow-up with the results.

    • The audio podcast of Part One of my GM-ran AW: Deadwood session is now available. Warning: Explicit Content.

      Here’s the announcement:

      In this bonus episode, we assume the identities of our favorite Deadwood characters for a unique roleplaying experience. Steve is our GM (Game Master) for this mod of the RPG Apocalypse World, and he does a fantastic job establishing a post-season three narrative for us to act out: “Who killed Cy Tolliver?” Unfortunately, we do not resolve the mystery this go ’round, but we’ll regroup at some point during the next few months to conclude this hilarious/nonsensical adventure. (Hopefully, I will have sobered up by then. What can I say, Steve, except: “I apologize….”) | Recorded February 11, 2018. Released February 25, 2018.


    • Steven Banvard

      The audio podcast of Part Two of my GM-ran AW: Deadwood session is now available. Warning: Explicit Content.

      Here’s the announcement:

      Fifteen months later, we conclude the Deadwood RPG campaign “Nature Abhors” in a spectacularly violent fashion. (Cy Tolliver’s corpse as an I.E.D.? Yes, of course, naturally, why not.) Starring: Matt A as Al Swearengen, Carol as Seth Bullock, Matt H as Dan Dority, Mel as Trixie, Nutty as Calamity Jane, and Steve as our GM. | Recorded May 17, 2019. Released May 18, 2019. [Warning: Explicit Language.]


      Thanks, Sean.

      • Sean Nittner

        This is incredible Steven! Thank you!

  4. Tim

    As I have learned my lesson in the past, I did a little search before diving into my little Hack of Blades in the Dark… and there this was!!! And by you, no less!!!

    I was thinking about Deadwood but with a vampire, werewolf, ghoul and witch element.

    Working title: UNDEADWOOD
    A fantasy western forged in the dark

    Would this be stepping on toes? Are you aware of this is already in the works?

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