The Missing Gallo (9/12/2024)

GM: Sean Nittner
Players: Karen Twelves, Eric Fattig, and Adrienne Mueller
System: Blades in 68′


Before we started the score I offered Paolo the soothing relaxation of the Blue Baths [recovering one stress by sharing a memory]. He recalled racing through the Banyans of the Dagger Isles on boats. Memories of the wind in his hair and the smell of the sea.

The Offer

Led down a winding passage that Nav was sure changed since the last time they went down it, Scavo escorted the Dirt Barons to Dossani Gallo’s office. Thick carpets, rich mahogany wood, and the lingering smell of cigarette smoke despite nobody smoking in the office for year.

Dossani, normally cold and calculating, got right down to business. She put four stacks on her desk. “This is yours if you find my son Val. He went looking for Little Gallo two days ago and hasn’t returned. Because I’m your client in this case, I’ll also forgo your normal tithe. I want him back. I don’t care what it takes—”

Skavo cleared his throat. “Except starting a war with the Carvers.”

She continued a bit more calmly “True. Things are too precarious for us right now to engage in a direct confrontation.”

[I didn’t record the actions, position, effect, or consequences this game, but if it looks like a Consort action, or a risky situation, or a complication, it probably is!]

Dirt Barons on the Case

The Barons didn’t yet know all places Val had gone before he disappeared, but they would soon find out.

Delta looked at the old footage and saw a drunken Val talking with Three-Fingers, going behind the till, grabbing some cash, and then storming out of the Veil. The singer confirmed Val was gong to the Blue Sunrise (a casino owned by the Carvers) to get back his brother, Little Gallo.

Blue Sunrise

As soon as Paolo and Delta-968 entered the Blue Sunrise they were accosted by a short man with frizzy hair named Wilde. He seemed to be part-mechanic, part-security, and all suspicious. “No tin cans in here. We run a classy establishment and you’re going to muck up the place.” Paolo and Delta parlayed with Wilde for a bit before they realized his real concern was Delta recording while they were in the casino.

Meanwhile Nav slipped in unnoticed and wasted no time finding a service entrance and creeping into an office. She was rummaging around for information when the Tomorrow Program Ultrasound 980 device (the self same device they have in their own base!) detected her present and set off an alarm.

Out front Paolo and Delta noticed several security personnel starting to move to the back and Wilde suddenly becoming pre-occupied. The little man was going to shoo them out of the casino and find out what was seeing off the alarm, when Delta stalled for time by ejecting two reels that they claimed where primary storage…they were not primary storage, and the two continued to press for their entrance.

Wilde, now distracted, but believe the ruse, let them in but tried to signal to of one of the door guards to indicate Paolo and Delta should be watched closely. Paolo used his Mojo to thwart the signal by making some distracting gesture and Wilde retreated into the back office while Delta and Paolo had free reign.

Nav meanwhile remembered the way Delta installed the security upgrade in their own base, or at least thought she did. She pulled out a pair of clippers and cut the wire, silencing the alarm. She made for the door but when she opened it, a brick wall of man was standing there. He tossed her across the room and she smashed into a framed portrait of one of the Carver family. Nav’s nimble reflexes just barely saved her from the shards of glass that came crashing down.

On the Show Floor

During the day the Blue Sunrise only had a few gamblers at the tables. Some regulars who came every day for the slots, some desperate suckers who had been there since last night.

There was an elevated stage with a giant sun rising up over the water behind it, which reminded Paolo of imagery from stories in the Dagger Isles. On stage was a woman singing a sad love song in her most sultry voice, accompanied by a lone pianist that she seemed to direct her longing towards.

Delta informed Paolo. “I. Can. Access. Video… Not. Quietly.” and showed their various spark-craft tools, all of which looked like they belonged on a construction site than a heist.

Paolo smiled and signaled Delta to go ahead and make noise, he’d capture everyone’s attention. As Delta went into a bathroom (with the intent to drill through the wall, cut a cable going to a security camera, and access the feed), Paolo headed to the stage to join the lonesome singer!

Please don’t hurt me!

Nav did some quick math and decided it was better to be “captured” and taken somewhere even more secure than to try and escape (or worse, fight) this enforcer. She quickly pulled some of the quality documents Red Torque had provided them and flashed a picture of Dorji Kon among them “I have information and I’ll share it with you if you don’t hurt me.”

The enforcer clubbed her on the head to knock her out (or so he thought, she shifted at the last moment to absorbed the blow and look as though she was unconscious) grabbed the papers in one hand, Nav in the other, and started heading for some place to put her.

Nothing Like a Duet

Paolo jumped on stage, grabbed a mic, told the piano player to play a duet, and starting in on a song he was sure the lounge singer would know. She was surprised, but quickly adapted and soon the two of them were starting into each other’s eyes like passionate lovers.

This got the attention of the crowd, especially Mack Ransom, the casino developer that had been financing the Carvers and was just discussing some big moves with other businessmen when Paolo jumped on stage and into the limelight.

“Can I get you a towel?”

Inside the bathroom there was a single patron using the facilities, and a very confused bathroom attendant who did not understand, but also did not make a move to stop, Delta when they articulated their support structures onto the counter and started drilling into the wall. The attendant meekly held aloft a Blue Sunrise monogramed towel, and the started to pretend then had never seen Delta at all.

When the Hull got access to the security feed they could quick observe what the other camera’s were seeing…specifically the limp body of Nav being carried upstairs to a penthouse suite. With some additional work, they were also able to access the central video surveillance repositories, which were stored on microfilm. Not so far away, a very confused operator stared in horror as spark-craft arms pulled the current reel from the recoding bay, selected one from two days ago, and started playing back instead of recording… the images of Val Gallo entering the Blue Sunrise.

Alone in the Dark?

Nav was tossed onto chaise lounge and then left locked in a dark room. After a moment she realized there was someone else in the room. A figure that made it’s way to stand over her, peering at her with curiosity. She was ready to land a vicious blow, when she realized the nearly imperceptible figure was Little Gallo!


“Little Gallo? Wait, do you have a first name? Is it Little?”

As her eyes adjusted she could better make out the gaunt figure of the youngest Gallo “Eh, everyone has just always called me Little Gallo. I don’t know any other name to go by.”

Soon Nav was prying Little Gallo for information (mostly, just what Mack Ranson and the Carvers had already pried out of him) and making a plan to get out. She learned that the Lounge Lizards helped the Gallo’s get the Velvet Veil, but that Diamond, leader of the Lounge Lizards doesn’t know that Dossani killed his little brother. He thinks it was one of the SCORPION Syndicate that did it. She also learned the Gallos were deep in debt to Strangford-Mitcher Financial. They made a big move (with the help of the Lizards) to buy the Velvet Veil, but if they can’t make the payments, SMF might take it over. Little Gallo folded to Nav in a minute, she couldn’t image he had put up any more of a fight to Mack Ransom and the Carvers.

A private game

After a few songs Paolo realized he had some unwanted attention so he wrapped up the set and went backstage…only to find that Mack followed him back there. “You’ve got some impressive pipes kid. Have I seen you around somewhere…maybe at the Velvet Veil?”

Mack wasn’t bothering to be subtle, he knew the Gallo had some sneak thieves that worked out of the Casio and figured Paolo was here to size up the place. They chatted (uncomfortably) and when Paolo revealed he was a gambler, Mack insisted that the Swinger join him in a private game!

Wilde card

Wilde, alerted from his operator that something was going on with the video surveillance equipment just knew Delta had to be the cause. Only a spark-craft mind could do this. On the screen Wilde (and in the bathroom Delta) could see the image of Val throwing down a stack in loose bills and shouting. There was no audio but from body language it was obvious he was his little brother. Two enforcers grabbed him and when he fought to break free, Mack Ransom appeared out of no where to clock him in the jaw.

Val reeled back and the fight went out of him. They talked and Mack handed him a note, which Delta could just make out, was Little Gallo’s ransom: 12 Stacks.

Wilde searched the casino and eventually found Delta just as the Hull had unhooked from the feed. With exposed wires sparking behind them, the hull tried to use their large frame to prevent Wilde from seeing what had transpired. They paused to stare at each other. Delta towering over Wilde, but the smaller man holding a charged spark wrench that he was ready to use…

Time to get out of here

Nav was searching for ways out of the room. The door was locked and she could hear the occasional shuffling of a guard outside it. Little Gallo had tried to pry open one of the windows before, but when he saw it was a three story drop, got no further. “They told me that Val came to get me. I knew he would. He loves me. I guess he didn’t have enough to pay my ransom though. If he’s looking for money, he’s probably going to Diamond at the Imperial Sounds. Our families are close…or at least they will be unless Diamond finds out about my mom.”

Delta went ON PROGRAM for a moment and when their autonomic functions came back online they saw the bleeding body of Wilde on the ground inside the bathroom [Robotic Deadlock: Brutal].

Paolo starting walking to a back room for private game with Mack when he realized this was probably less private poker game and probably more an opportunity to take him into a back room and beat him for information. Paolo graciously slipped away leaving the Dirt Barons business card and made quite an impression Mack. [Result of a crit was that Paolo got to add Mack as a contact on his contact list]

All three Barons quickly made their way to the exit to regroup, share information, and continue their investigation.

The Iruvian Sands

A hangout for the Lounge Rats and the most likely place to find Val, the Dirt Barons made their way across the Bridge of Regret to the Iruvian Sands.

The most famous of the Silkshore casinos, operated by the Ankhayat Consortium. An elaborate facade of waterfalls and palm trees is dominated by a single towering obelisk of black glass.

Once again Nav split off from Paolo and Delta, but this time because she felt a strange pull. While most of the decor in the Sands were tasteful reproductions or Doskvol localizations of Iruvian culture, the obelisk at the center of it all was something real. A fragment of the spires from U’Dussha? A singular shard resonating with metadimensional energy? Something else? Nav noticed that while others were subconsciously drawn to the spire, passing by it without really seeing it, she felt the allure acutely and specifically.

Meanwhile Paolo and Delta (who was scarcely acknowledged by the staff and noticed there were no security cameras anywhere) caroused the casino until they ran into Songbird just coming down from a set. She led Paolo to a table where The Viper was closing a deal. Clearly the Rats operated out of the Sands at the pleasure of the Ankhayat Consortium, just as the Dirt Baron did in the Velvet Veil. They don’t own the place, and as such need to keep a low profile.

Nav noticed after starting at the obelisk for a moment, that someone was looking at her. A casino employee who welcomed her into a an empty private lounge, complete with a large plasmovision set, a well stocked bar, and lounge chairs. Soon after a woman from the Consortium entered and greeted her “Welcome Ms. Siketset, the consortium is honored by your presence. Is there anything we can do for you?”

The Rats and Barons have no official standing but they have enough common friends (the Gallo family) and common enemies (SCORPION Syndicate) that The Viper was inclined to help where he could, especially if it meant advancing their goals. He told Paolo that Val had been by recently asking Diamond for money and the made a deal. Diamond would front Val the 12 stacks to get his little brother, if Val removed Hurricane (SCORPION Syndicate’s airship pilot) from the equation. Without her, the syndicate couldn’t make it’s handoff outside the bubble…a blow for SCORPION and a win for the Lounge Rats.

The consortium representative told Nav about Val’s recent visit and his encounter with Diamond, but unfortunately she didn’t have more information about their conversation. She did offer however, that if Nav wanted further assistance in searching the consortium would be happy to help, as a favor to the AFU. Nav declined the offer to help but did accept a sealed folder to be delivered to her Field Unit handler Lenaya.

“The prospect seemed to sober Val up and as far as I know he headed off to the Celestial where Hurricane is known to frequent…her and about a dozen other SCORPION killers!”

Celestial Palace Hotel & Casino

A vast glass dome that sparkles with light from a hundred crystal chandeliers within. Each gaming table on the casino floor moves independently on a complex circuit of tracks, creating an orrery that reflects the movements of celestial bodies in the sky.

Inside the Celestial, several service hulls were delivering drinks, clearing table, and of course recording the actions of the patrons. In the center (the one part of the casino that didn’t move) a bartender made cosmic cocktails that sparkled like the stars above.

At a table in the back a veteran gang of SCORPION Syndicate enforcers and killers openly gloated about their violent escapades while slamming down shots of powerful clear liquor. Other, more subtle syndicate agents moved through the Celestial discreetly delivering small blue parcels to patrons.

At the craps table, Lucky Lucella, a high-rolling gambler with business interests in real estate, finance, and luxury goods was surrounded by a throng of sycophants, all salivating at the chance for another win after her roll of the dice!

People who were decidedly NOT present included Hurricane and Val!

While Nav scouted the actions SCORPION killers, Paolo made his way with Delta to the craps table to get Lucilla’s attention. “Oh, a Golden Hand Delta model. Extremely sophisticated! Tell me, what is your designation?” Lucella was immediately interested in Delta and could never seem to get Paulo’s name correct (not that she tried, he was Paco, Pablo, Peter, or Paul, but never Paolo).

Both groups leaned that they had just missed Val. He came and challenged Hurricane to a race at the Ankhayat Autodrome, a race that was starting very soon!

Ankhayat Autodrome

The second-largest autodrome in Doskvol, situated in the middle of the leafy expanse of Ankhayat Park. Not as large as Vreen’s autodrome, but far more refined. Expect fewer explosive crashes, and more high society.

Spoiler for next session. This time there would be explosive crashes!

The Dirt Baron’s arrived just as Blaze (from Red Torque) was announced winner of the Ankhayat Trophy. The official event was over, but the “after party” race was just about to start, featuring Naya (from Red Torque), Hurricane, and…. Val Gallo. The only person in a racing autopod who had no business being there!

Thoughts on the game

  • I love that this score was generated organically. I rolled for trouble and got a disappearance. The obvious choice was Val, who went looking for Little Gallo and never returned.
  • I made this score a breadcrumb trail, which is more “on rails” than I’d normally make a score. I did it specifically because I wanted to get a chance to show off the casinos in Silkshore so the Baron’s would know their own district a bit better. The downside of this that I didn’t telegraph the nature of the score well enough, so the players though this would be a break-in into the Blue Sunrise to rescue him, rather than just getting a lead to the next location.
  • I loved the moment when Delta deadlocked and we cut away from the violence. Wilde did survive, but only barely!
  • The score was a long one (it spanned the entire next session) and the scoundrels were quite ground down by the end (they all deadlocked a key). I think I should have ended it with a single action roll but (at the time) I felt the race deserved more.
  • Paolo meeting Mack Ransom (and gaining him as a contact) was great. That man is a menace and I can’t wait for Paolo to become more embroiled in his machinations.
  • I was excited for Nav to meet members of the Ankhayat Corporation and learn about the Iruvian Sands. When I tried to connect them to the Anixis Field Unit, I wasn’t able to draw a strong enough connection between them.
  • I made a little map of Silkshore with locations and index cards. Inside each one was a few notes for me about what’s going on inside the location. It helped me keep each location feeling distinct and gave them all their own flavor.

Playtest Notes

  • Ankhayat Corporation should be a faction!
  • Keys are hard to read on the character sheet (small font in light grey)
  • Stacks and Stash sound too similar. Stacks is great… so maybe another name for Stash?
  • Players kept saying Blades 68′ instead of Blades in 68′.
  • Ankhayat as a contact for the Operative should probably have a first name (it was confusing in game to separate out the contact, the family, and the corporation).
  • I think the Little Gallo situation would have more oomph if he was held hostage by a named faction. I made up the Carver family who run the Blue Sunrise, but they are way less interesting than the Lounge Rats, SCORPION Syndicate, etc because they aren’t nearly as connected to the world. In fact in this score, they weren’t even present. I wasn’t sure how to depict them so I had them away from the casino handling other affairs while Mack Ransom and Wilde (a sparkcraft engineer I created as their head of security) were running things.


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