GM: Sam Tillis
Players: Adrienne Mueller, Dylan Arena, James Lawton, Sean Nittner, Sarah Terman, Matthew Fisher
System: Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition
Adventure Log:
Unfortunately it’s been a few months since the game and I don’t have my notes here so I’m light on the details, but I’ll certainly add more in the future:
- We dug into the Penhew foundation. There are definitely some secrets there.
- Catherine tried to connect with Francois, who seemed like he was coming around enough that he might be receptive to some encouragement and empathy.
- A book exploded in front of Iris and we were kicked out of the library… but that eventually lead Amos to realize the visions he had of the artifacts being lifted out of the ground matched the geography of Australia,
- Francois learned about Hyperborea. He and Amos visited Michael Cross and leaned about the Dreaming. Amos went on his first dream and Cross gave Francois a creature in a jar that had come with him from the Dreaming. He called her “Who”, short from something much scarier.
- Reggie continued to avoid his family.
- Catherine read the Pnakotic Manuscripts and learned about the Observers, creatures from outside of time. In the process she became disconnected with time as well. Both Reggie and Iris did all they could help but London is full of time pieces and everyone of them, every tick, or chime, sent her spiraling, unable to discern the past, present, and future.
- We discovered a lead to the Ivory Wind. In a very bold (ready dangerous) move, Catherine got close enough to one of the crates that was being loaded to discover they had fake manifests on them covering the real ones.
- With help from Catherine’s father, we got the authorities to raid the Ivory Wind with Colby and Amos coming along as subject matter experts.
- Horrors happened on the ship. Horrors happened on the docks. We all survived through some quick thinking and more than a little bit of luck. Fog monsters and tentacles, oh my!
More thoughts:
- I love all day games. We get to do so much and there’s plenty of time to give everyone spotlight in their scenes.
- Plus, this is just an A+ crew. I love everyone at that table and everything they bring to the game.
- Sam’s depiction of the mythos and the way in breaks your brain is really top notch. Amos has become obsessed with visions and the Dreaming, Francois with finding the rituals and the secret meanings, and Catherine (yep, she joined team otherworldly too) with mathematical equations that could explain it all…if only she could discover a higher math…

This is pretty fragmentary (I’m trying to recall all these details in late July) but during this session we also spent a week working on various projects
- Francois tried to learn a warding spell from the Book of Eibon. He spent the entire week holed up in his room, trying to put the make sense of the rituals and ceremonies, but every attempt failed.
- Meanwhile Catherine was trying to decipher the Pnakotic Manuscripts first to understand their basic contents and the to learn a spell to contact the Observers. Try and she might to create a mathematical model to make sense of the celestial geometry, it was beyond what she could comprehend. For now.
- Amos spent time in the Dreams with Michael Cross and began learning how to Dream on his own. A new skill for Amos!
- We finally got Colby to a hospital so he could recover from his injuries in New York.
Book: The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde