SMF used their Bluecoat connections to order a raid of the Velvet Veil. A not so subtle attempt to recover their stolen documents and frame up the Barons for as many crimes as they could.
Session 0: Worldbuilding and character creation for the Danger Chasers, a team of Mavericks including Fen, Dash and Jason. Can't wait to explore the Slumbering Mountain with them!
Our Rangers arrived in Bright Bloom to find a poisoned land. With the power of spell and song they repaired the land...and with cunning gained the aid of a Noble Demon.
Containing our Blades '68 Playtest Preview game, the Doskvol Association Against War (DAAW) flew out of a crashing airship, raced down the streets of Whitecrown, and aggravated our fair share of crime syndicates, bluecoats, and intelligence officers, as any good Militants should.